Angela Dorothea Merkel (/ˈmɜːrkəl, ˈmɛərkəl/, German: [aŋˈɡeːla ˈmɛɐ̯kl̩];[a] née Kasner; born 17 July 1954) is a German politician serving as Chancellor of Germany since 2005. She served as the leader of the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) from 2000 to 2018.[10] Merkel has been widely described as the de facto leader of the European Union,[11] the most powerful woman in the world,[12] and by many commentators as the leader of the Free World.[13][14][15][16]

Angela Dorothea Merkel (/ˈmɜːrkəl, ˈmɛərkəl/, German: [aŋˈɡeːla ˈmɛɐ̯kl̩];[a] née Kasner; born 17 July 1954) is a German politician serving as Chancellor of Germany since 2005. She served as the leader of the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) from 2000 to 2018.[10] Merkel has been widely described as the de facto leader of the European Union,[11] the most powerful woman in the world,[12] and by many commentators as the leader of the Free World.[13][14][15][16]
Merkel was born in Hamburg in then-West Germany and moved to East Germany as an infant when her father, a Lutheran clergyman, received a pastorate in Perleberg. She obtained a doctorate in quantum chemistry in 1986 and worked as a research scientist until 1989. Merkel entered politics in the wake of the Revolutions of 1989, and briefly served as a deputy spokesperson for the first democratically elected East German Government headed by Lothar de Maizière in 1990. Following German reunification in 1990, Merkel was elected to the Bundestag for the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and has been reelected ever since. As the protégée of Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Merkel was appointed as the Federal Minister for Women and Youth in Kohl's government in 1991, and became the Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety in 1994. After her party lost the federal election in 1998, Merkel was elected Secretary-General of the CDU before becoming the party's first female leader two years later in the aftermath of a donations scandal that toppled Wolfgang Schäuble.
Following the 2005 federal election, Merkel was appointed Germany's first female chancellor at the head of a grand coalition consisting of the CDU, its Bavarian sister party the Christian Social Union (CSU), and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). In the 2009 federal election the CDU obtained the largest share of the vote, and Merkel was able to form a coalition government with the Free Democratic Party (FDP).[17] At the 2013 federal election, Merkel's CDU won a landslide victory with 41.5% of the vote and formed a second grand coalition with the SPD, after the FDP lost all of its representation in the Bundestag.[18] After the 2017 federal election the CDU was again the largest party, and she was reelected to her fourth term on 14 March 2018.[19]
In 2007, Merkel was President of the European Council and played a central role in the negotiation of the Treaty of Lisbon and the Berlin Declaration. One of Merkel's consistent priorities has been to strengthen transatlantic economic relations. Merkel played a crucial role in managing the financial crisis at the European and international level, and she has been referred to as "the decider." In domestic policy, health care reform, problems concerning future energy development and more recently her government's approach to the ongoing migrant crisis have been major issues during her Chancellorship.[20] On 26 March 2014, Merkel became the longest-serving incumbent head of government in the European Union and she is currently the senior G7 leader. In October 2018, Merkel announced that she would not seek reelection as leader of the CDU at the party convention in December 2018 and as Chancellor in 2021.[21]


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

OBERON사태 관련지시명령서 OBERON사태는, 아래와 같은 문제점이 있으므로, 지금 즉각 발을 빼고 철수하며 더 이상 관여치않도록 지시명령처리기록되다. 1. OBERON사태(OBERON성단계와 꾸리에바르, 니흐베바르 성단계 전쟁관련)는, 애초부터 박종권계열인을 잡아서 함정에 처넣고 이용해 먹으며, 모든 것을 빼앗고 죽이려 한 음모이다. 2. 박종권계열인에게 OBERON전쟁참여를 지시했던 제5우주레벨의 주신은 제2차은하대전위원장 냉기치 계열인이며 하수인이다

기정의되어진 자로서의 박종권은(서기1963년 1월 대한민국 충청북도 괴산군 증평읍 용강리 출생, 서기2006년 1월 삼성그룹회장 이건희 프로젝트주인공역할, 삼성그룹 관리파트에서는 회장님프로젝트로 명명, 전세계 유력인사 유명인사자제 3,500,000명(350만명) 동원(북한 김일성주석 참여, 북한 김정은주석정보, 북한고위소식통정보), 삼성그룹 전체 이익 55,000,000,000원(55조원의 부당이득)을 얻게 만든 거대프로젝트(삼성전자 최지성사장증언)에서 미키마우스의 애칭을 얻고, 특히 미국여자들의 애호를 받은 프로젝트(미국여자 40,000명이 죽게생겼다고 미국내 배후세력-조지부시-들이 전달), 회장님프로젝트는 2012년 12월종결, 이유는, 2013년 1월부터 시발되어진, 플레이아데스프로젝트에 개입하여, 그러한 자로서의 박종권으로부터, 플레이아데스인의 자격을 snatch하려는 목적과 의도로서 회장님프로젝트를 종결시킴), 2013년 1월부터 2017년까지 진행되어진 플레이아데스프로젝트의 주인공역할(플레이아데스연방내에서 재현됨, 대역: 플레이아데스인 셈야제, 프타-JEHOVAH스승)을 한 자로서의 기정의되어진 박종권은, 아래와 같이 기여와 공헌을 하였음을 플레이아데스연방고위소식통들과, 미연방재무성, 미연방대통령, 기타고위소식통들로부터 인정되었다.
