the ANA_Pleiades the Rule No 1.

the ANA_Pleiades the Rule No 1.

非許諾的corporeality的者的眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的者眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的者眼at now
非許諾的corporeality的者之的眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的者之眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的者之眼at now
非許諾的corporeality的者的之眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的者的之眼at now
非許諾的corporeality的者的之的眼at now
不同意的corporeality的者的眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的者眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的者眼at now
不同意的corporeality的者之的眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的者之眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的者之眼at now
不同意的corporeality的者的之眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的者的之眼at now
不同意的corporeality的者的之的眼at now
非許諾的corporeality的人的眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的人眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的人眼at now
非許諾的corporeality的人之的眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的人之眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的人之眼at now
非許諾的corporeality的人的之眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的人的之眼at now
非許諾的corporeality的人的之的眼at now
不同意的corporeality的人的眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的人眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的人眼at now
不同意的corporeality的人之的眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的人之眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的人之眼at now
不同意的corporeality的人的之眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的人的之眼at now
不同意的corporeality的人的之的眼at now
非許諾的corporeality的之者的眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的之者眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的之者眼at now
非許諾的corporeality的之者之的眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的之者之眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的之者之眼at now
非許諾的corporeality的之者的之眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的之者的之眼at now
非許諾的corporeality的之者的之的眼at now
不同意的corporeality的之者的眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的之者眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的之者眼at now
不同意的corporeality的之者之的眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的之者之眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的之者之眼at now
不同意的corporeality的之者的之眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的之者的之眼at now
不同意的corporeality的之者的之的眼at now
非許諾的corporeality的之人的眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的之人眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的之人眼at now
非許諾的corporeality的之人之的眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的之人之眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的之人之眼at now
非許諾的corporeality的之人的之眼的at now
非許諾的corporeality的之人的之眼at now
非許諾的corporeality的之人的之的眼at now
不同意的corporeality的之人的眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的之人眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的之人眼at now
不同意的corporeality的之人之的眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的之人之眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的之人之眼at now
不同意的corporeality的之人的之眼的at now
不同意的corporeality的之人的之眼at now
不同意的corporeality的之人的之的眼at now
無條件持續的永久的恒久的永續的永遠的永劫的無限反復的無始無終的永遠的永劫的循環的宇宙的永遠的永劫的多重的循環的宇宙的殺害處理規律執行by the ANA-PLEIADES THE RULE NO1 depend (up)on THE ANA-PLEIADES THE SUPREME BEINGS

It has received more than $16 million (about W16 billion) from the heaven over the all one's life[days] of the first stage the earthlings the korean the Mr CKPark by the persons[parties] concerned[interested]. If it be against[contrary to] the rules[regulations], must be put it to death by the rule of the ANA-PLEIADES the supreme beings at once, for the eternity, for the eternal, for the permanent, for the everlasting, for the perennial, for the perpetual

Regarding the informations, you’ve known that the Mr CKPark who had been qualified of the Pleiadians position by the ANA-Pleiades the supreme beings were not the coself,  They are identified as the several personality such as the Mr KHLee, the Mr MBLee, the Ms KHPark.
All the above just proves what I’ve been saying. the Most of the leaders of the Pleiades federations have no thought of ascending of the first stage, the 원원본래적 Mr CKPark not at all actually. Bring the most of the leaders of the Pleiades federations into focus how could use the Mr CKPark right now to do manage to escape the crisis with a last resort or to do ascending to higher area. Also, the most of the leaders of the pleiades federations was encouraged to use the Mr CKPark by the Jehovah family tree & the George Walker Bush, the Mr KHLee, also the most of the rulers on the Earth or the pleiadians family tree which are living on the Earth.

Nobody want to do ascending of the Mr CKPark the reason why that if the most of them use the Mr CKPark instead of the ascending or the hospitable treatment,  they could have the added bonus of the ascending themselves or the release the bad Karma of themselves as the free gratis

It seems to be for evil men, (there is) no way to do ascending of the Mr CKPark.
Use the techniques to move shift the others, the anothers personalities or the beings, the persons beings of the Core self of the himself arbitrarily, Also this idea are getting on the edge of perception on the earthlings levels unfortunately. the most of the pleiadians are already known the those things too often in the universe, besides in case of the human level are getting the response impossible for it, Words will not help matters. 

And to conclude, it seems to be that the most of the pleiadians know which side their bread is buttered. the most of them knows, but the most of them isn’t interested, because that of any other man were sort of hoping that the benefit by the labors of others. Who is responsible for this mess? the charge of the persons beings, the beings, the persons, the principal agent must be put it into the death by the rule of the ANA-Pleiades the supreme beings for the eternity, for the eternal, for the permanent, for the everlasting, for the perennial, for the perpetual.

the Pleiadians can be only Regulated by the pleiadians rules.
the persons beings, the beings, the human can be only regulated by the achievement level itself that it's something that belongs to themselves by the originally, the primarily, the essentially, the naturally, the inherently by the rule of the ANA-PLEIADES the supreme beings.
If it be against[contrary to] the rules[regulations], must be put it to death by the rule of the ANA-PLEIADES the supreme beings at once, for the eternity, for the eternal, for the permanent, for the everlasting, for the perennial, for the perpetual.

It has received more than $16 million (about W16 billion) from the heaven over the all one's life[days] of the first stage the earthlings the korean the Mr CKPark by the persons[parties] concerned[interested]. If it be against[contrary to] the rules[regulations], must be put it to death by the rule of the ANA-PLEIADES the supreme beings at once, for the eternity, for the eternal, for the permanent, for the everlasting, for the perennial, for the perpetual

The shift responsibility on the karma are absolutely forbidden, if it haven't (every) reason for[to do] without the plausible[particular] reason & the special bond, the potent reasons by the rule of the ANA-PLEIADES the supreme beings at once, for the eternity, for the eternal, for the permanent, for the everlasting, for the perennial, for the perpetual


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

OBERON사태 관련지시명령서 OBERON사태는, 아래와 같은 문제점이 있으므로, 지금 즉각 발을 빼고 철수하며 더 이상 관여치않도록 지시명령처리기록되다. 1. OBERON사태(OBERON성단계와 꾸리에바르, 니흐베바르 성단계 전쟁관련)는, 애초부터 박종권계열인을 잡아서 함정에 처넣고 이용해 먹으며, 모든 것을 빼앗고 죽이려 한 음모이다. 2. 박종권계열인에게 OBERON전쟁참여를 지시했던 제5우주레벨의 주신은 제2차은하대전위원장 냉기치 계열인이며 하수인이다

기정의되어진 자로서의 박종권은(서기1963년 1월 대한민국 충청북도 괴산군 증평읍 용강리 출생, 서기2006년 1월 삼성그룹회장 이건희 프로젝트주인공역할, 삼성그룹 관리파트에서는 회장님프로젝트로 명명, 전세계 유력인사 유명인사자제 3,500,000명(350만명) 동원(북한 김일성주석 참여, 북한 김정은주석정보, 북한고위소식통정보), 삼성그룹 전체 이익 55,000,000,000원(55조원의 부당이득)을 얻게 만든 거대프로젝트(삼성전자 최지성사장증언)에서 미키마우스의 애칭을 얻고, 특히 미국여자들의 애호를 받은 프로젝트(미국여자 40,000명이 죽게생겼다고 미국내 배후세력-조지부시-들이 전달), 회장님프로젝트는 2012년 12월종결, 이유는, 2013년 1월부터 시발되어진, 플레이아데스프로젝트에 개입하여, 그러한 자로서의 박종권으로부터, 플레이아데스인의 자격을 snatch하려는 목적과 의도로서 회장님프로젝트를 종결시킴), 2013년 1월부터 2017년까지 진행되어진 플레이아데스프로젝트의 주인공역할(플레이아데스연방내에서 재현됨, 대역: 플레이아데스인 셈야제, 프타-JEHOVAH스승)을 한 자로서의 기정의되어진 박종권은, 아래와 같이 기여와 공헌을 하였음을 플레이아데스연방고위소식통들과, 미연방재무성, 미연방대통령, 기타고위소식통들로부터 인정되었다.
